First week interning at LaserLight Inc.

For this week, I started my internship at LaserLight Inc. It is a high-tech manufacturing company that specializes in drilling micro holes on parts by applying laser machines.

Monday:Mr Hannan,the CEO and the owner of the company, gave me a introduction of the company and a lesson on SWOT analysis of the company. He learned this company managing strategic technique from his MBA program, and he has applied this technique on managing LaserLight since then. In the afternoon, We had a meeting with the C.O.O of the company and the director of technology department together.

Tuesday: Kim, the director of marketing department taught me a comprehensive class on what methods does the company use to promote its fame and reputation to outside world. And how does the company specifically apply them.

Wednesday: In the morning, Scott, the controller of the company taught me about the cost system of the company and the gross profit. In the afternoon, Brittany, the HR director, taught me what kinds of work an HR does everyday.

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