Project Plan

In college, I am planning on pursuing a bachelors of science in nursing. I spent a lot of time during the previous two years shadowing/volunteering at Missouri Baptist, Mercy, and St. Luke’s hospitals. Due to restrictions, I am not able to do much while volunteering at these places (and have already done as much as allowed). For this reason, I have mostly focused on other interests (that should still help me in the nursing field) to pursue during my senior project.

I will spend my time at four different locations. I will be with Mrs. Fu while at school—helping with math classes in the mornings and curriculum in the afternoons. I will then spend two weeks at Our Lady’s Inn helping homeless women that are or have recently been pregnant. I will spend time with the children at Crisis Nursery North for one week, and finish up by shadowing nurses on various units at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.

Author: maryhope

Respect the pecking order, please

2 thoughts on “Project Plan”

  1. Hi Mary look like you have a cool project,

    What did you learn while working at TFS how did that contrast to being a student there?

    What was the development of the spreadsheet like? What did you lea

    Next, you’ll be working at Our Lady’s inn? How did you learn about that organization? What are you most excited to learn about when working there?

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