Alanna’s Senior Project (4/20/16)

Today I started the day off filing a brand new tax return all by my self. Nothing was scanned into the computer or e-filed so I was given a stack of papers full of numbers and tax forms. At first I had no idea what to do with the information that was given to me, but once I sat down I figured it out fairly quickly. I am actually very surprised how easily I caught on to the tax filing program and how quickly I entered everything in. When I was done John and I sat down and went through everything and I got it all right. They are going to use what I worked on and completed when they go to finish filing the clients taxes. After that I stuffed envelopes full with invoices to be billed out later today and talked to 3 girls in the office about their daily routine. They showed me the different programs they use and what they accomplish, they showed me what different forms look like and what they are used for and they also showed me how they proofread projected financial reports.

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