Gambrill Gardens: Destitute Duties*

Things haven’t changed much since my last post since I’m still at the front desk, so I’m going to make a list of the things I do every day.

10:00: call resident’s who have not canceled their emergency light.  Record all uncanceled lights, check on residents in person who did on answer the phone.

10:45 (any of the following): answer the phone (“Gambrill Gardens this is Abby how may I help you?”), make dinner order form copies for residents, show newcomers around, unlock doors for residents who locked themselves out of their apartments,  give treats to dogs who walk by the desk (very fun), write up and file Repair Work Order forms for residents, write up new package slips, organize incoming prescriptions from Walgreens, and go to various buildings to let in paramedics for non-emergency calls.

1:00: mail sorting

1:30-4:00 same as 10:45!

*My duties are not destitute and I enjoy them… but I also enjoy alliteration and assonance.

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