Gambrill Gardens: Slicing Registration Slips

Last week, Debra (the marketing director) asked me to design a registration slip for the upcoming health fair.  I made a sample in which three of them could fit on a page, but she wanted to use less paper.

So, I removed the Gambrill logo and contact information and just left the necessary fields (name, address, number, and email) and squished six slips on a page.

This week I am at the front desk, but today I was given 67 sheets of these pages I made and paper cutter.  So, that is what I did for the last hour and a half of today.

Fun statistic: There are 6 slips on each page.  I was given 67 sheets.  67 x 6 = 402 slips.  To separate all of these slips, I have to make nine cuts on each page.  67 x 9 = 603 cuts.  It is a miracle I did not lose a finger with these odds.

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