Formlabs day 3

Things at Formlabs have just been going swimmingly.  I learned yesterday how to print and wash and after much trial and error I actually got a good part that turned out pretty well.  Now you might be wondering Elliott what is entailed in washing a part, well I’m glad you asked.  After the part is printed it is really sticky and is covered in the liquid form of the resin it is made out of which is really gross and stains everything.  To remedy that you have to bathe it in hydrogen peroxide for about 15 minutes which cleans off all the liquid resin and makes your part clean and useable.

Today I assembled optic boards for the laser in the printers and superglued my screwdriver to the table multiple times.  I also learned that industrial grade super glue is no joke.  Tomorrow I will be assembling some other parts for the printer and hopefully I will get to take one apart.

3 thoughts on “Formlabs day 3”

    1. I would say around 12 for the whole day they are very complicated and tedious. Also, whereas the optical sensors are built to ‘see’ various parts regardless of how bad unappealing they look, I don’t think they could ever handle seeing any part of your face.

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