Day One

Just posted the first interview on my WordPress account (link in profile). I have two more interviews scheduled for this afternoon.

Sitting down for the first one was a little nerve-wracking but it went really well; not only did I get substantial content for my project, I also got to have a great conversation with a friend.

6 thoughts on “Day One”

  1. Do you have set questions to ask everyone you interview or do you come up with them based on who you’re meeting with?

    Also, how do I get to your profile??? I want to look at your WordPress but I’m struggling.

    1. (Sorry this is late) I don’t have set topics; it’s different for every person. I usually start everyone out with the same few basic questions so they can calm down and get in the groove of things, but the goal is for them to go off on tangents and ultimately lead the conversation.

    1. Thanks! Um…that’s a good one. I don’t know for sure yet. I guess I’ve learned that I really love deep talks with people and that it’s really important to sit back and reflect periodically, but beyond that, idk. I’ll keep you posted

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