Melissa’s first week of Art

This is 80% (NOT including Monday and sewing snappers to a blanket) of stuffs I made within this week. Follow the order I made them…

Forget the flower name, feel free to guess…

Cherry blooms

A dozen of tulips.

Black and white school map scratch

Finished the lion mask from the interim week’s art. a picture with the model wearing it.

Trying to use stamps on cloth. Upper body with the stamp, lower body with the die. [Won’t work if the stamp is too big. stars=showed  half of the body = won’t really. Next steps, tried to find a ink work on cloth so I can use stamps on cloth.]

Lovely week! Can’t wait for next week!!


Melissa’s plan for senior project

My senior project is separate to 3 parts with art, soap make and something else.

I’m planning to use 2 weeks at school doing art works with Mrs. Hassan’s help which include making wool frogs, paper flowers, design cap and folded animals for pictures.

And the second 2 weeks to make soap with Elizabeth at Mrs. Hardcastle’s house also probrobly learning about marketing.

The last 3 weeks is planning to voluntter for set at weddings. If I do not make that I will probrobly work in the soybean association. We will see.

I’m looking forward to my senior project.