Melissa’s 1st wonderful week with Mrs.Hardcastle

This week have been marvelous.

I learned how to create my own brand, how to protect it and how to make face mask and soap.

I made the mud mask with Elizabeth. That day’s homework for us is to use the mask and take pictures.(I can’t smile for the picture with the mask on)

This is the logo I designed for my future brand. That bird is suppose to be a phoenix, indicate Chinese Queen(If it is gold, I believe so.). And later through the week I learned that the name shouldn’t be too common. Therefore now, my brand name is BLOSSOMS LOVE. Cause everything I made is full of blooming love to it.

I found out that making soap is just like baking food. (By the way soap & food sort of rhyme. Also making and baking! I’m so smart!!!) Except a little bite more dangerous than it. Since we need to use the Lye, Mrs.Hardcastle purchased it from The Lye Guy. Mixing the lye with water is cool! Can you believe that water could be heat up to 100 degrees with in 30 sec?  Chemicals are ridiculously amazing. <- some of them.

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