Last Day at ADB

Today is my last day at ADB. It’s incredible how much I have learned here, not only about the “grown up” working world, specifically in relation to recruiting and construction, but also about people. I am just continually blown away by how wonderful everyone is here. You can tell it’s not perfect and people still have their disagreements, but they all care about their work and each other (and, amazingly, me, an intern for just two weeks). I hope I always remember this time here and take what I’ve learned into the rest of my senior project and my life.

This past week, I did another project for Kayla and then helped her out with a few smaller things. I finished up the research for Mr. Sharma and saw more of the recruiting-to-hired process, which I feel relatively comfortable with now, though I wouldn’t go so far as to put myself in charge of hiring someone. Day to day, Kayla’s schedule is basically the same and she goes over almost entirely the same tasks, with a few interruptions. I got to experience at least portion of what a day in the office is like, though I’m pretty sure I won’t easily find another place like this.

Today, I sat in on a checking-in meeting. We started off with an activity relating to the company values, which today involved Easter eggs. After that, everyone gave a summary of their past week and then what they needed to get done the next week. That went pretty quickly, and there were cookies too. They asked me how I had liked being here and then we took a picture all together with our Easter eggs.

All in all, I’m not excited to leave, but I am excited for the rest of my senior project and so glad that I spent time at ADB. I remember coming in the first day, I was so nervous, but it has turned out way better than I’d ever imagined and I have learned way more than I came in expecting to.

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